
Thursday, October 15, 2009

While she slept...

So, I've tried blogging before, but didn't keep up with it. But I am compelled to give it another try... and to stick to it!

I'll begin this blog by sharing a bit about myself and my intentions with this blog. About me... I have been married for nearly three years now. It's amazing how quickly time goes! Just two months ago, we had our first child - a little girl. She's fantastic! I don't know if anything has ever warmed my heart like when she smiles at us! She's growing fast and changing daily. I'll likely use this blog as a way to journal about those changes.

photo by Terri Gillis Photography

As of now, I am a stay at home mom. I am a victim of the "down turn" in the economy. The company I worked for went out of business earlier this year leaving me and 40+ others out of work. I continue to keep my eyes open for new opportunities. As of now, I will continue to enjoy my time at home with my daughter.

Even though I am busy being a new mom, being unemployed is so odd for me. I have always had a job since I was 15 years old. Not working outside the home has been difficult in some ways for me. Part of me is longing for that additional fulfillment of using some of the sides of me that mommy-ing doesn't. I have found much inspiration from many blogs for how I might get this fulfillment (at least until a new job and I find each other!). I intend to try to refinish furniture. Putting that down in print almost makes me laugh at myself! I have refinished one piece of furniture before. It only took me about 3 or 4 years. YEARS! Okay, so I quit in the middle for a long time. :) The project was successful, but I am sure I'll still have a lot to learn as I try this new hobby. I can't wait!

Why wait- you may be asking. Well, the title of the blog says it all. Right now anything I do gets done while she sleeps. For example, typing this post...she's sleeping on my lap! (she doesn't like to nap in her bed!) So, until we get into a better rhythm for daytime sleeping, it is unlikely that I can or should take on any of these furniture projects. In the meantime, I'll dream about what is possible!


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